Episode 6: Transformation and Intuition

In this episode, I talk about the relationship between astrology and intuition. Specifically astrological transits and how they affect our intuition. This includes a general description of astrological transits, more on some transits that affect everyone, and specific stories of transits and how they have affected me personally.

Episodes come out on Mondays while in season.

This transcript is unedited. Fully edited version coming soon.

[0:00] Music.

[0:05] Welcome to the existing together podcast I'm your host Sarah Fontaine and I'm a writer astrologer and facilitator.

[0:14] This podcast exist to build a culture of belonging to help us feel less isolated while living on planet Earth we're asking questions together about the complexities and confusions of being a person.

[0:27] We cover spirituality politics parenting astrology whiteness and especially the spaces where these.

[0:35] Music.

[0:42] Pale so today it's just me.
There's so many directions I want to go in and threads I want to continue from all of the episodes that have happened so far on this first season about intuition.
But I decided for this episode to focus a little bit on astrology just to try to continue my goal of bringing some astrology into this podcast,
that's part of what it's here for so I'm interested to talk today about transits astrological transits and intuition because I meet with people a lot who are undergoing
significant transits in their lives that's often times why people seek an astrologer whether they know it or not,
and I think it's an interesting time for people in the context of intuition because usually what happens is there some way that our sense of how things are going how things should be going is disrupted or interrupted.

[1:34] And that is a painful place often but it's also a really rich place and so I'm going to talk a little bit about those today I'm going to share some general thoughts just Concepts about transits and what they are,
I'm also going to share some transits that happen to everyone around the same time and then I'm going to share a few transits just personal,
notes about some Transit that I've experienced.

[1:58] Just to give some examples and some more material usually helps to understand what I'm talking about when there's a specific life that you're talking about so I'll use my own as a as some descriptions of some of the things that have I've experienced with this so,
well first of all just a backup and some of this will be a little bit redundant for people who are really versed in astrology but it will be brief so there's the birth chart which is what is being read when you get an astrology reading,
there's lots of different kinds of astrology readings but that's one of the basic main ones,
and the birth chart is looking at the map of the sky from the moment in time and space when you were born oh so that's why the time matters location matters obviously the Day in the year and then within that there's many different pieces of information in the birth chart,
to their planets and signs like for example when somebody says that they are a Libra they have the Sun and Libra.
With all the different planets in different signs and then they're also something called aspects and aspects are in the in the visual of the chart their lines in the middle
going back and forth in different arrangements and everybody's chart between different parts and so they represent these lifelong,
relationships between different parts of yourself in your psyche so places in your life and your psyche that feel really kind of harmonious and flowing like they go together easily and places and your life in your psyche that Fillmore.

[3:27] Like there's tension there there's something you're learning there there's something you're kind of growing through or trying to understand in this lifetime through that so that's a little bit of aspects.
And then to differentiate those from transit so transits are things that are I kind of equate them two seasons but they're more personal and specific to you and so
they are things that are happening like they're based on what's happening in the sky right now are over periods of times versus the birth chart in the aspects of the borough Charter things that you're dealing with throughout your whole life
so we're subject to the energies of
countless energy bodies like the sun and all the planets in all sorts of ways that we can know about and all sorts of ways we can't know about the complexity is astounding and that's one of the reasons I love astrology because it just kind of helps me touch into that
how big and vast and complex our relations are and so there's never not transits happening every day.
But usually when I'm talking to somebody one-on-one I focus on transits that are more
long term meaning they're coming from the outer planets that take further to get around the Sun and that they are also
transits that we experience as more like difficult or challenging so in astrology in the case of that the language would be their opposition's or conjunctions or squares
those are some of the types of transits that happen that people usually feel more when there's more of a challenge.

[4:50] And I think of transits as a part of nature so specific seasons of developments for individuals it's also always happening collectively
but usually you can kind of trace it or feel it or recognize it on an individual level of I'm talking about like what's happening in your chart right now especially if it's like a growth period or a challenge usually people are like oh yeah I can feel that are know what that that makes sense
so it helps to kind of ground the information more than the collective although we can definitely feel that and do all the time.
I think another reason I find train that knowing about and thinking about transits really helpful is that have this idea of always feel like need to preface like in Western culture in the United States culture which is where I am and most the people I meet with come from
or are raised or live there's you know an emphasis on human development in childhood,
up to maybe 18 through adolescence and there's emphasis on that there's like understanding and theory and just vocabulary and the sort of premise and understanding that most people
kind of are up for which is that.

[5:54] We believe that people are developing and we understand that there's different things that happen at different ages and then that kind of stops in a lot of ways after adolescents
and I think that astrology and transits give us more language for understanding that we are continuing to evolve We are continuing to be a part of subject to stages of development
and I think there's so much that's not yet understood or may be named in different ways about that and this is one of the ways I find in
to that process to give us more language for it.

[6:25] Often times we experienced transits as crises or meltdowns and I think that this has a lot to do with how we see our lives on a cultural level on a societal level and what we should be doing.
So we think of these events as bad as something to rush through we think that if we're not happy we have personally failed at optimizing.
And this is another way that this information or this way of seeing helps me because it's sort of expanding beyond that idea of like,
happiness has the goal and if I'm not doing it I'm somehow failing of course happiness is important and I'm into it and I'm trying to have it but it's also you know a season or a sensation or an experience of life that's full that's in the context of.
So many different Sensations so may different phases of weather of emotions so
these transits help to kind of reframe how we're thinking about the seasons of our lives and it helps to connect it to and think about it,
as nature in the way that we think about Seasons we think about other phenomena of nature weather,
the days shortening and lengthening all sorts of animals and plants and the the processes they go through leaves falling off of trees and you know animals hibernating storms raging,
and then the renewal that comes with that.

[7:47] Etc it sort of endless all the ways that we can look to Nature to see ourselves again in nature which is the case but we have the sense of Separation that we're not a part of that or subject to that,
when we reframe what is happening as the inside,
as inside the range of what happens to humans and therefore that were subject to the vulnerability of being a part of this planet it changes how we feel about what is happening.
I think the biggest.

[8:12] Thing that I try to say to people and talking about these transits is that nothing is wrong like the including this to in this phenomena this scenario this situation this feeling like,
this too can be included in what is nature what is natural what is just a part of what it means to be a human.

[8:32] And by human I mean what it means to be a being on planet Earth which we often forget that those are the same thing.
And then the other part of it which relates to this season specifically is just that I was saying earlier that often times there's a feeling that something's wrong and it has two it feels like it's coming from Intuition or something and it the transit itself often disrupts a way that we thought things were going to go
that were really important.
For it to go that way and then it seems like somehow we were wrong or there something that sort of destabilizing about it that can fill scary and overwhelming that we didn't know the right way or something and,
that's part of it so usually when something happens where we were wrong in based in transits or often times there's an event,
or events or feelings or situations where I was like oh we had an idea about something we had a sense of something and then it didn't work out it was wrong and I want to read this quote.

[9:22] By this writer Catherine Schultz,
Shoals I think from this book called being wrong that I've read some of banal of so I can't vouch for the whole thing but this quote is so powerful in sort of elaborating what I'm talking about so it says of all the things we are wrong about,
this idea of error might well top the list it is our meta mistake we are wrong about what it means to be wrong.
Far from being a sign of intellectual inferiority the capacity to air is crucial to human cognition.

[9:53] Far from being a moral flaw it is inextricable from some of our most Humane and honorable qualities.
Empathy optimism imagination conviction and courage and far from being a mark of indifference or intolerance wrongness is a vital part of how we learn and change.
Thanks to error we can revise our understanding of ourselves and amend our ideas about the world.
It is ultimately wrongness not rightness that can teach us who we are.
So just feels like that's so relevant to what I'm talking about and I think it's so important in the conversation about intuition.
Which I touch on are We Touch on with in the one with Kelly Murphy I think it's episode 4 I mean probably with all of them but especially especially that one this idea of being wrong,
so being wrong is a really important part of life and learning and also an important part of our intuition and developing it.
That is something that has been illuminated through some of these transits for me personally because I felt if at different times like this sense of insecurity like some hell.
I was wrong about this thing how can I trust myself and that often is a thing that people talk about in readings the other sense of not be able to trust yourself.
And I think just remembering that being wrong is a part of the learning process and therefore essential if you're interested in being awake on the planet so so that we kind of reframe how we think about ourselves and our intuition when we are wrong.

[11:20] Instead of it being a problem or a failure it can be.
Revelation and it can be it is actually or maybe it's the most practical way in my mind it is a way to come closer to ourselves to come closer to revise and come to a new version.
Is part of what we're here to do yeah that's some of some of my thoughts about dreams is in general,
and then I want to talk a little bit about some of these specific ones that happen.
There's so many that are maybe smaller or something but the ones that may be Irrelevant for people listening to this.

[11:59] And you've probably heard of some of them so one of them is this hadn't returned it might be like the most famous transit in terms of you know just people hearing about astrology so that is the point where Saturn takes about 30 years to go around the Sun
so you know it was at a certain point and when you were born,
and then when it comes back around to that same point when you are turn 30 basically it's like 28 to 31 something like that and so that often is a.
An experience that people have which is like something where they can kind of note a shift that happened or that's happening so everyone who lives you know this long experience is at and
astrologically it's a way of describing that we become adults so it's a kind of a different way of thinking about adulthood then we typically think of.
It's like arriving with everything that you're working with in this life so often times there's a feeling of a realization like oh this is my life.

[12:56] It's my life it's not my parents or not my cultures or not.
Anyone else is not my peers and so there can be questions like what am I doing what is important to me what do I need to take care of myself what is Meaningful to me.
Who do I want to be around what kind of work do I want to do where do I want to live those kind of questions come up a lot so oftentimes people get married people get divorced people have a baby people decide they're not going to have a baby.
People move people get jobs quick Jabs all sorts of things and sometimes even more internal and there's not as much of a big event which was actually the case more for me with my Saturn return but it did feel like a big shift and really what is I underlying it and I think especially with Saturn
transits is mortality and that's not necessarily super explicit
when you're that age but definitely so with the second Centre return which happens around 60 right so it's happening again the next 30 Years
and that's often a time where people have another kind of Reckoning with their life and what they're doing and what's meaningful to them and it feels more even more poignant and relevant because they're more aware
of death usually then we are at.
And then every 7 years or so Saturn makes a square which is the astrological language for it just comes into another point of Transit of transition with your natal Saturn.

[14:20] And this is the case with Saturn with all the other planets too so we're always subject to the seasons to Saturn and we feel Saturn as sort of a time keeper in our lives we feel.
Yeah it kind of rules and governs the structures the rhythm of our lives and our growth.
So whether you're conscious of that or not it's working on us and they often feel these transits often feel hard they often feel like,
I describe it as being in the mud kind of down because it's about,
first it's about Earth life and manifesting on Earth so it usually makes you feel sort of more grounded than you want to be or like having to kind of consider these very Earthbound things.
So that shows up as thinking about money and thinking about your body and thinking about your home and your structure and where you live like all the things that kind of.
Have to do with living on Earth so they're different people you know may be people who have more Earth that feels more.

[15:16] I'm just kind of what they're always thinking about people who don't have as much Earth oftentimes that can feel even more frustrating because they were wanting to kind of skip over it or,
it's a constant sense of frustration at the limitation but this is this is one of those things that it's really helpful to think about.
Again as like this is,
this is a part of what everyone experiences at different phases and everyone is subject to this just like we're subject to Seasons and so
even just that thought can help us sort of open to what it might be of it what might be available and different view of it that might not just be getting through.
But might help us ask different kinds of questions to make more space for ourselves as we're in these growth periods.

[16:03] And then one of the other things that are a few other things that happen that are again in terms of age a little bit more appropriate to probably a lot of listeners here in the late 30s and early 40s there's a series of transits.

[16:16] That happened that often correspond to kind of what we call a midlife crisis so it's moving into middle-age in this way that feels like a,
for a lot of people feels like some kind of shift should big shift into a different era of life so first Pluto.
Becomes Square where it was in when you were born to Saputo takes some 250 years or something like that to get around the Sun so you know it doesn't go through all the signs when we're alive.

[16:42] So it's Square the point where it was at when you were born and then after that soon after that Neptune becomes Square where it was at when you were born.
And soon after that Uranus becomes opposite
the point that it was at when you were born so each of these has a different flavor but all of them kind of come in succession and they
bring a lot of feelings of questions new kinds of questions often times the sense of asking is this it
is this all there is or what else is there a longing for more connection for deeper connection.
For loves prefer spirituality new experience and excitement often come with the desire that Uranus brings like want to just get in the car and drive away and the Neptune and Pluto kind of give different influence that have to do with like.
The feeling of,
this contentedness and wanting to kind of let go of things are outdated on a maybe more emotional internal level and seek out experiences that.

[17:44] Like you know there's a big range of what that can be it can be experiences of Escape,
and just like kind of fantasy if it feels like there's not a lot of agency or possibility in one's life or it can be desire for more connection with other people or spiritual connection or connecting to the vastness to something bigger than ourselves.
Again they show up on circumstance and life level really differently for people but.
This is a really helpful thing to just have some language for to you know give some information to those phases of life and to know that.
Again nothing is wrong when it feels like a lot of things are wrong or feels like a lot of circumstances are challenging or there's a lot of sense of loss and confusion.
That those are a part of things working you could say they're part of nature working on us.

[18:32] And then just to say one more thing about that maybe in general is that we have this you know
our maybe you could call it our personality or something like our typical minds are really invested in arranging circumstances so that they are like Optimal like we have preferences and we want things to go certain way.
We want to have this kind of life we want to have this kind of relationships we want to have excetera.
So when those things don't work out it seems really bad a lot of the time and I'm not trying to diminish that that like that's a real feeling and we need to feel that
but I think that the language of these transits can help us have a little bit more of a context of kind of pulling back and looking at the whole Arc of a life and that you know just like we do in retrospect we look back on our past and it's easier to see that something that felt really hard,
maybe it was beneficial or even what we wanted later but we didn't know it at the time it's kind of like doing that for our whole lives and bringing a little bit of that perspective.
That we have in retrospect to the present moment so trying to hold that wisdom.
Even while something's happening that feels really hard and trusting that there's some level of it being for us.

[19:40] And this is not to bypass the challenge of anything you know or skip over it at all but it's to be with and again include more.

[19:49] Perspective more more of a holistic view of what it could include.
In addition to it just being like this sucks because that is the case for people out of the time yeah so those are a couple of transits that happen to everyone,
then I'm going to share a few that have happened to me personally and just some of the things that happened in showed up for me in my life so one of them that was really significant is that.
From about 2015 to 2017 Pluto passed over my ascendant in Capricorn so
Pluto in Capricorn right now it's been a Capricorn since 2008 I think and it's it'll shift in minute next year or pretty soon I can't remember sorry I didn't look up the dates right before but think it's about 12 years maybe 13 you can Google it and find what you need as far as that
so you know Pluto passing over my ascendant that's a really anytime something passes over your sin it's a really significant thing in astrology.
And Pluto moves so slowly that you know you could go your whole life without that happening.

[20:52] So is another thing I try to say for people who are having a lot of Transit activity or intense ones like this one that you know there's a way that it's a gift even when it feels really hard because sometimes it doesn't happen you know you could have a whole lifetime and that wouldn't be the case so it's a certain kind of,
teaching or lesson or invitation to understand something.
So anyway Pluto in astrology and in transit World kind of rules or or brings this cycle of death and rebirth so it really exposes what needs to die and be let go of.
And what is ready to be reborn or to come and come out new its
it can be sort of Ruthless in that way it's very dramatic because our feel it sounds dramatic because it is dramatic and it feels dramatic so sometimes that can be coerced by Pluto energy Pluto transits can correspond with a physical death of someone sometimes,
it's more psychological or spiritual and so for me there was a total life overhaul and this is remember I just said it's like two-year process at least so.
That's another thing is like these things happen over time it's not like one moment or one event it's a it really is a season and the Pluto one feels long,
so I moved houses
I ended up doing a huge remodel of my house with my sister I ended a relationship that had been you know long romantic relationship,
I had a huge money crisis and I really went deep.

[22:20] To investigate and understand and I changed my relationship with money which is that is still ongoing but that time especially it was like I had been.
In some ways of avoiding really going into it really understanding it for myself really understanding my lineage my all sorts of things around my relationship to money,
and I started a new business at that time which was a preschool in my house I also had been meditating pheno since my adolescence but I started doing longer meditation Retreats at that time
which was maybe an outward manifestation of an inner shift that really led to.

[22:56] Just bringing a like a much quieter life and I had had before it's a lot of things dropping away that I had done that was like considering sustainability in my life on all sorts of levels and then also just focusing in like what is going
what do I want to and what can I sustain and put energy into and nurture over a long time.
It is just it really is it went it was and I still feel the effects of that in terms of just how much it changed for me and people who are close to me know that.

[23:29] You know that that was such a shift so that's one of them and at the time the thing is it didn't feel like oh this makes sense or even though I have this knowledge of astrology.
This is like a hilarious thing I like don't track it for myself or I will go in and out of you know times where I do so it wasn't like I had this sense during that time like I mean I knew that it was happening.

[23:50] But a go in and out of being able to hold that and remember for myself and not like we need reminders from other people think but then now since it's been some years since that I can see the effects of that shift more,
and a lot of it makes more sense I know I can just give more context and frame around it because of the things that have happened since and because it's more further in my past so that's another thing that's so important to remember with this is like.
In the moment it's really good to know and kind of touch into it but we usually can't hold it in our Consciousness for very long because we're so in the middle of it you know we're in the middle of the storm and then often times later we can see oh that's what that was about.
That's what that was doing for me you know so just to say that.
And then just as an aside everybody who has any planet in Capricorn it's significant in their chart has had a Pluto Transit like I'm describing not necessarily at that level because it depends on where it was,
in the last 12 years,
and then anyone who has a planet that's in a square that makes you know an aspect with Capricorn so that's Aries Libra and Cancer.
Has also had a significant Pluto transit in that time so even if you don't know a lot about astrology that can help you just get a sense of like
that's another one of the ways that Collective works right so like there's people people are having these different trains at different times and then often times when we're you know we can kind of feel that energy on a collective level and a big scale
but then also just on a maybe on ours in our smaller community.

[25:16] Okay so two more that I want to share one is that the transits that correspondent with the birth of my child who's now three so this was in 2019.
Jupiter acted on some planets in my chart in a significant way and that was the bringing of my child into the world.
So Jupiter usually is a Transit you know it moves pretty fast so it only is in a sign for are in aspect to point in your chart for a couple weeks usually.
But sometimes it slows down and is longer in this one was Jupiter slow down for it was there for maybe a month or six weeks and that was right around in the last you know in the time,
right before I give birth in the first month of my child's life and so Jupiter touched on three different points in my chart at the same time.
So in my birth chart I have Saturn Square Venus and then Neptune opposite Venus that's called a t-square.

[26:14] Those three planets are in this relationship which I could probably do a whole podcast episode about that dynamic in my chart and how it shows up in my work and all sorts of things but
those you know that has to do with my sense of purpose and my work my sense of my relationship to spirituality.

[26:31] And connection and also Venus which has to do with relationships my on my relationship to my body my relationship to my.

[26:38] Sexuality a lot of different things my Aesthetics so
Jupiter touched on all these places so Jupiter sometimes Jupiter transits can bring a sense of like a party or they signify that there's going to be travel or there's going to be some kind of Adventure or new experience obviously the new experience was the case and I
often experience Jupiter transits as like overwhelming.
I think it might be because I have Capricorn rising ruled by Saturn so Jupiter sort of like foreign to me but.
It was it was definitely everything that I do / Transit is so it was like the just on blast it was on blast that's the best way to describe it it was just complete heart-opening.
Heart melting like beyond beyond anything I could describe and then total overwhelm and total exhaustion in total,
meltdown like I can't sustain this is not a sustainable which I think maybe corresponds a lot of people's births.
I've talked to a few other people who have had Jupiter transits around this time I but I don't know I don't have enough data to tell you if like that something that happens a lot and I think that there's just also really different qualities to different peoples birth some people don't experience it as overwhelming as I did and.
I had a lot of physical struggles and health problems and all of that in the first bit there so I think that that also corresponds with the Jupiter where it's like there was so much magic and there was so much just.
Depletion and and overwhelmed.

[28:06] And there's so many and then the other thing that's really interesting about transits the where you know that correspond with the birth is it then the person.

[28:15] Who is birthed brings that energy you know it there's a dynamic there that's part of your your relationship kind of for the whole time because then that person.
In this instance my child has that Jupiter in that sign and in that aspect to those planets in my chart this is the case with all relationships but it's especially poignant I think when there's a.
When you know somebody's giving birth because,
the person sort of is the first the experience of the birth and then also that carries on and all sorts of different ways as the relationship evolves in the person gets older.

[28:48] Again there's probably so much more there but that's enough for now and then the last one is the most recent that I'll share.
There's been many more than this but these are the sort of ones that felt like maybe they would be useful in some way to you and understanding these things.

[29:03] The last one is that Saturn very recently has been conjunct my moon so Saturn is in Aquarius right now my moon is in Aquarius and,
Saturn has been conjunct that point for the last probably at least month probably longer couple months I think and Saturn touches on a point in a Transit
up to three times over nine months.
So oftentimes you'll see a Saturn transit or just you know Season corresponding to pregnancy or involved in pregnancy in some way because.
Saturn is so bringing you down the Earth which my experience pregnancy really does that,
so my first trimester and some into my second husband this feeling of this entrance so the intensity of the physical experience.
That I've been having just feeling sick and then also interestingly you know like last week it just moved away a little bit
it will be a further out for the next few months and it'll come back in my last trimester so we'll see how that shows up but in this instance I felt just a little bit more spaciousness
in the physical Sensations I'm having and just the sense of kind of like.

[30:11] The Saturn brings an energy of just like tiredness or just like kind of like weariness at being in a body,
and that shows up in different ways at different times where people sometimes it's like money stress or there's somebody physical you know like the bones the structure sort of at-risk or like there needs to be more nourishment on different levels
and and then it's always this question of like well how do you get it or feels like it's further to act further away like it's harder to access.

[30:36] So for me in this instance it's just been such a deep journey of asking for help in finding ways to do that which I find so challenging and and that is a part of.
Updating the structure of my life to prepare for this new being and.

[30:50] And it's also a continuation of a very old pattern for me that I've been able to kind of bypass in a lot of ways when I haven't been
in the state because I can just do stuff on my own or I thought or whatever we you know
the delusion of thinking that you do anything on your own actually it's like not even true ever but so more and more layers of Reckoning with that in this last bit.

[31:12] So that's that's another thing that's happening so maybe maybe those also give examples of different time frames right like the Pluto Transit is like a couple year process and then
the Saturn Transit is maybe more like a nine-month process in this instance kind of the intensity of it is like a month or two and then it kind of backs up or gives it gives a break or there's less and less of it right there,
and then it comes back and you know a few times so it kind of like that's another thing about the Saturn rhythm is that it gives you these experiences the sensations and then it's like.
Time to integrate and then it's like okay let's go through again it's like this cyclical cyclical influence so I can feel like a.

[31:51] A time timekeeper in a way,
so just to say one more thing about intuition in these contexts is that.
Those different instances
again I didn't have a feeling of like this is why this is happening and I just feel really like reassured by that it's like some moments that happen which is great but a lot of it just like this feels like chaos or this feels really hard and I don't know how to get through it
and I don't know what I'm going to do and I feel worried and stressed and I feel like my intuition is not somehow working and there are the there something wrong,
the reason I'm saying this are sharing this is because I just want to affirm
or maybe normalize that feeling and that that doesn't mean that you don't have some kind of intuition that works or something that I don't think that that exists.
And that these times where we feel further away from it or doesn't feel accessible to the feel like it's working I just invitations too,
update and adapt and grow and another thing that I find really helpful is that we can trust the season we can trust this season to work on us in the way that we can trust physical Seasons to keep going.
So perhaps that is of use to you.

[33:06] I will continue to offer some other things throughout this year I'm working on an online class that I want to offer and another podcast season and some online events.
In case you're not on it my newsletter is the best way to find out about these things so you can do that on my website.
This has been useful to you thank you so much for listening to the podcast for through the season it's really been meaningful to me to get to share.
Different people's perspectives and be in conversation in this way.

[33:35] I really welcome any things that you've taken from the season that you'd like to share please email me if you're so moved and.
Also shared the podcast I really appreciate that okay that's enough for now many blessings to you today.

[33:50] Music.

[33:56] Yeah,
thanks for listening to existing together you can find resources and links in the show notes at existing together dot-coms podcast or wherever you are listening to this,
if you did experience any sense of belonging or connection to yourself or others while listening to this podcast I invite you to subscribe rate and review it in apple podcasts or Spotify.
Those verbs are they actions that help me share this conversation and I thank you in advance for doing them.

[34:26] If you're interested in exploring the themes of this podcast more deeply with me you can learn about the astrology readings and group circles I offer at existing together.com.

[34:36] Thanks for existing here together on the planet with me.

Anna Carollo

Designer, maker, ramen enthusiast living in SF


Episode 5: Creativity and Intuition with Sofía Córdova