Episode 3: Money Witch: “Be more present with it and hold it a little lighter”


In this episode, I talk with the Money Witch about intuition, time, shame, the earth journey, whiteness, capitalism, and fashion.

Jessie Susannah Karnatz, aka the Money Witch, brings capitalism-critical, shame-free education to healers, hustlers, and creatives in order to catalyze change in their financial lives. She believes healing our finances will bring blessing to our lives, our lineages, and our communities. She offers education, Money Magic products, and Intuitive Financial Coaching online and in the Bay Area (unceded Ohlone land) and does it all with impeccable business lady style.

You can find more information on her work at


Instagram @money.witch

Teachable https://money-witch.teachable.com/

YouTube at youtube.com/moneywitch

Patreon at http://patreon.com/moneywitch

Twitter @money_witch

(Episodes come out on Mondays while in season.)

FULL EDITED TRANSCRIPT COMING SOON. (The transcript below is not edited yet, it will be asap.)

[0:00] Music.

[0:05] Welcome to the existing together podcast I'm your host Sarah Fontaine. I'm a writer, astrologer and facilitator. This podcast exists to build a culture of belonging, to help us feel less isolated while living on planet Earth. We're asking questions together about the complexities and confusions of being a person.

We cover spirituality, politics, parenting, astrology, whiteness and especially the spaces where these overlap.

[0:35] Music.

[0:48] Thanks so much for talking to me I'm really excited about this.

Money Witch: I always loved your questions and your comments so I really like talking to you.

Sarah: Thanks yeah. I'm thinking about the podcast especially the season as a form So just asking a question that I'm asking people who are working in different worlds and ways about the same thing. The question for this season is “What is your intuition what is intuition and what gets in the way of it?” I feel like especially as an astrologer this is sort of this word intuition. I don't even really know what it means so I'm asking people about that. It feels like it's in your wheelhouse, of some of the things you're thinking about and exploring and your work so thank you for talking to me. I'm wondering if you could just tell us what your work is these days.

Money Witch: I use the word intuitive in my work. I feel like I probably should have a better working definition of intuition given that I'm like a professional literal professional actual intuitive. But let me just say that we're going to work it out I guess.

Sarah: I asked the question and then I'm like actually don't even know like the more I've been thinking about it and I'm like I don't even know what it is. So I think that we might end up with less certainty about what it is by the end of the season.

Money Witch: Well that's like everything. I do that thing all the time where it's like I don't know I mean especially if you're like stoned or something but even without it where you're just like I have a hand, but like the more—then if I stare at my hand like, do I have a hand, like, what is a hand? Yeah so weird you know so probably that somebody like that where you think about it doing in your like whole at Sea when going on yeah it makes sense to me yeah,

okay so back sorry back to your work yes yeah I can we bring it back bring it back.

My name is Jessie Susannah carnets I'm also known as the money which and I,

therefore I run a business called money with you that is my profession I am very professional money which and Under the Umbrella of that I have

been a small business tax preparer or a tax preparer for healers Hustlers and creative as you know I have done bookkeeping before that

both of those things I have now let go of I offer,

capitalist critical education to healers Hustlers and creatives looking to heal their finances,

for their own evolutionary healing purposes which obviously you know are small streams leading into a river leading into an ocean of evolution and.

I do writing.

[3:26] You know via my book I have a brother a little books I do teaching have online classes Etc programs and then I do one-on-one coaching called intuitive Financial coaching so I'm an intuitive Financial coach


then I am stepping more it's not even more I'm stepping differently this year into my role as what I would call a priestess of the egregore of money

which means thank you which means that I facilitate a relationship between our Collective,

entity of money constructive money and individuals in the collective and as part of that I make

money magic products like medicine so I have it's almost all gem it's like Gem and Herb,

based but I make like an anointing oil and a tea and elixirs and an energetic hygiene medicine

do a little bit of everything it's so beautiful and it just feels so good to even hear you say it it's like especially this kind of bridging or

I don't know you had a better word for it but between the individual and the collective it's such a question that I have about so many things and especially with money so it just feels like other it feels really true like what you're doing that feels like a good description of what you're doing.

[4:52] Thank you that's the intuitive it's intuitive definition yeah okay so that that's my next question how would you describe Intuition or what thoughts come to mind when you think about intuition.

[5:06] The biggest gift and you know there's so many things that we've into this my personality and my upbringing astrology my choice making privilege I'm sure.

My biggest gift I feel like has just been in some ways to not.

[5:26] Like frat not think too much about what I do but to just do what I instinctively like what comes to me that I should do and then to just.

Be like does it work do people seem to think it works.

I don't get into it more than that and that is also it just looks so beautifully Ares,

yeah and I feel like that too with my like religious beliefs you know like I was just been like.

Yeah God exists and I don't I'm just like not going to get into it let it be,

so I think intuition.

[6:20] For me in some ways It's like because I allow it to be such a guiding force.

[6:29] And I've made this conscious decision to not really think about it very much.

It makes it harder to you know have it in the form of like words that come out of my mouth although I am,

a very wordy person I have the Aquarius Moon so I'm always like you know intellectualizing things in order to understand them,

me too,

the other areas are Aquarius Moon yeah I love that anyhow so but what is intuition I guess intuition and you're right this is right Ares is just,


what the fuck I want one the fuck I want in the great words of making the stallion yes okay so but the other thing that's interesting to me is like maybe you don't have.

The description of words that coming out but your work like for example in the one on what I mean and everything but especially it may be in the one-on-one it's like it seems like the intuition is at Play.

So deeply in how you're responding to people.

Yeah like intuition to me or even being psychic like I miss right I just know stuff that's it right I just know stuff,

and I think if you are attracted to me and I have come like I have come across your path you're attracted to me something in you says like oh I should talk to her uh-huh then.

[7:55] Probably will have access to some information that you need like I'm probably know something that you will benefit you.

To also know or have reiterated or you know reflected or whatever,

yeah that's so beautiful can we talk about your chart for a minute hmm because I just like can't well I have it in front of me just because I wanted to see like as we were talking but also it just feels like the combination of,

mercury in Pisces and Aries like what you're describing because it's like the areas of the Mercury of Pisces is so major I'm really like nature can you say some anything about that in terms of your relationship an intimate intuition but also in your work because it's so interesting.

In a way it makes so much sense that you're doing work with money and then in another way it seems sort of like surprising.

It kind of makes no sense actually I have no Earth in my chart like literally I wanted to ask about that too in terms of this work I thought it was so funny I got a reading from someone a few years back who had been a client of mine.

And I felt like they were very like expose like the money which has no worth in her truck.

[9:10] Like sucky like yeah I guess so okay but here's where it shows up.

This is not the answer to the Mercury in Pisces question which is over Korean yes

Witch is so I have my Chiron is in Taurus which I think is relevant yeah so then money work and in the seventh house which I think you know partnership I also just like that mirroring right like I yeah I'm I'm teaching and healing I'm healing about resources in within the mirroring relationship right so that feels

big the mercury in Pisces really gives me access.

[9:51] I think too you know intuitive this knowingness yeah and

then I am Jessica Lange yadu told me one time that I'm the queen of the 6th house because I have my son I mean depending on how you look at if you want to go if you're going to go whole sign or whatever it's called then I have my sun Venus and Mars.

All in areas in the 6th house that found that's yeah I think that's big it's not honorary Virgo but it's like I do.

Have heavy like 6th house energy yeah it feels like it's kind of grounding that it's like it needs to get to the physical or like it needs to be like manifested in the physical way.

And like that hoping the helping the service like yeah I'm breaking it down yeah but I also I know man like I'm assuming all that energy with the plan,

hmm I also know other people who I'm thinking of who like don't have Earth who do really earth-based work and I feel like it's part of the path for them you know thinking about a person who I know who is a farmer who like

doesn't have any Earth you know it just feels like that is so like part of the trajectory of just their life and what they're trying to do,

I learn about you know like integrating mmmm.

[11:10] But the mercury in Pisces I feel like I just see it more the last few years in my business I have just done a lot of,

focusing on like how do I work hmm which is based out of like how does my brain work you know how do I think how do I,

Express but mostly because of all the areas that success how do I produce you know with,

I feel okay about I mean like within you know there's a there's like capitalist demand for production but I feel like.

[11:49] I am you know compelled just personally spiritually to produce in a certain Wow way and all that areas the areas energy has to go somewhere you know yeah but the way I produces some that has been frustrating to me so I have really tried to like,

like well let's try to understand it and that's where the mercury in Pisces comes in so happily mmm,

like so talking too much but I don't do think that's always a Mercury Pisces thing I don't know like,

I associate Watterson is with also being quiet but maybe just not being linear so it's like but like the Aries

Aquarius yeah yeah totally but then all nonlinear this this yeah yeah my boyfriend my like one your boyfriend so newish relationship,

is like a Virgo sun with a Mercury in Virgo so it's like I feel like as we try to you know navigate I'm like oh yeah.

[12:54] I never get to the point,

but that's the point man and that's like the context is the point yes it's so good I love that okay so,

back to intuition which maybe we never left I don't know but what would you say gets in the way of yours or if you would even describe it that way like what interferes does it feel like there's obstacles or like what comes up.

[13:25] Would you say time time is a big one you know like I have to really compromise with time,

a lot in terms of production creation.

[13:40] But also probably like deeper.

[13:45] Deeper intuition deeper spiritual knowledge would really be benefited by.

Giving it more time which I would be interested in doing if.

I felt a little more abundant in time probably and does that mean like in your own personal experience you just feel like there isn't enough or because of capitalism or.

I mean if that's all the same thing yeah yeah right right y'all in the same,

you know I'm a single mom I commute my kid back and forth across the bed like basically daily,

you know I have a business my people work for me I have relationship I have friends I have family I have a house,

of a body hair I have a stomach you know it's like it all takes time yeah yeah it all takes time,

I'm curious about just how you see the relationship between intuition and capitalism,

it may be in working with people like on a smaller scale and also just on the collective scale.

[14:58] You know it getting that kind of like time for intuition and just like knowledge I guess I would say you know intuitions just sort of knowledge.

And I think you know there's a rush.

[15:18] Be able to translate your vision into product into.

[15:28] Money into something that makes sense to other people quickly to have to do that quickly and I am curious.

[15:41] What the world would look like if there was just like more spaciousness for us individually to.

[15:53] Pay attention and be with our knowing.

[15:57] Just four more hours and also for us to just sort of be in longer processes yeah of working that out.

[16:09] And sort of weaving in and out of the way that that like intuition contributes to the larger picture in terms of you know what we like our offering to this world and the larger Human family the Earth.

[16:26] I think that.

[16:30] That pressure can become limiting you know so people in different ways right manifest in different ways but.

You know it's paired with like a devaluing yeah and depending on your individual experience.

[16:47] Just like the way that that experience of devaluing gets internalised.

[16:54] You know various but I think that that really shuts down.

[17:00] It just shuts down our intuition mmm yeah and so what do.

[17:08] Maybe this is too much in your work was own I don't know but like it's okay the question that occurs to me is what do you how do you counsel people in that or like in Reckoning with that are dealing with that it feels like this just big.

Boulder or something like this huge you know the relationship to time in that way so I'm just wondering if anything comes to mind.

I think two things that would kind of like calm is 12 just.

[17:36] Be exploring shame which I feel like I talked a lot about like or just regularly about.

Just the heavy roll that shame you know what shame is and the heavy role that it plays.

And people's relationships with basically everything but definitely their finances and.

You know what is it look like to put some language to that.

In order to heal it you know or put some attention to it in order to heal it I think that is sort of part of my aquarium.

Gift is like a lot of what.

Do I think or offer is just putting language two things and then honestly I don't always offer a lot beyond that mmm.

That is a big place that my gift you no lies and it's like that's a it's a tool.

I don't have to go people every tool you know yeah no I think it's that's the tool that I make

the language yeah to seeing it and I mean I think that you've done that for me I just want a personal level or contributed to that a lot and and in this instance I think the language is so powerful for,

shame cuz it like it makes it not be able to survive or you know if there's if it's like has more space to be seen through language.

[19:01] And then so much can shift from that like and that's in a way sort of not having Earth is like not also being bound by a certain.

Way of viewing time or something it's actually like everything yeah yeah sides around me it's just very like well it has to be like this and I'm like well.

I'm sorry you feel like that,

yeah yeah yes hard right and it's like but it's seeing what is in a certain way in the moment the Earth but then it doesn't see the possibility.

You know it's like a freezing a moment and that's true in some way but then it's like there's all these other things too

I'm like I don't know what earthside to see it's none of my business I don't know I don't know what it is like nothing nothing Chopper right right

well I mean I think I was saying in this instance like not maybe not having it or something is one of the ways that like there's a freedom to.

[20:03] Not be bound by that or something yeah

not that it's only binding it's also like very beneficial but yeah because I you know an important part of my work is what I call the Earth's Journey which is like really calling people into like being human that this is it

right like this is the way that I Define it within my work is like

there is all these billions of years where you were not in your human form and there's all these billions of years will you again will not be any human form and there's this very really truly like

Theory short amount of time that you'll be in this human life.

And I believe that it's your most important piece of spiritual work in this moment or else again just intuitive or else you wouldn't be doing it like it just wouldn't

be true and that I just choose to accept that as true so it's like very important to come into your humanity and all the struggle of humanity because that's what.

The universe has decided is like your most important assignment right now like it's an assignment,

and you have to do it so come here but then also I think what that kind of lack of Earth does is like

I'm like do it more deeply be more present with it but maybe hold it a little lighter.

[21:25] Yeah really be here but also understand like okay but then you can shift it you can do this like you can be in the possibility of it you can you know adventure with it you can.

[21:39] Make things different.

[21:43] Yeah I love it I love that thank you for sharing that I mean another equally kind of big question in terms of like the relationship between capitalism and intuition

and then one of the things I want to name and talk about in this podcast is just weighs whiteness and the relationship that it has,

to intuition the invention of whiteness or the delusion of it and yeah so I'm curious about your thoughts about that.

[22:08] Hey I think a little bit more about that actually I think then I think about capitalism and intuition even though it would seem.

Like maybe I would think about capitalism and intuition more in my line of work but I think in my line of work what I'm often doing is sort of like just helping individual people navigate.

That relationship between being an intuitive person living within capitalism and I and that's where it gets into that kind of queen of the six house energy is I'm just like no it's just about like getting people some strategies to work through it I don't even think that much of

about like it's like yes of course there's an impact,

but I that's not where my work even lies like other people are thinking a lot about what's that impact,

I'm just like sort of like here's some strategy like here are some strategies to navigate that I think a lot more.

About whiteness and intuition because I am thinking about it in my personal life and my personal work and for me.

[23:13] And you know it's just a thread that I'm working but where I'm at,

is there is a struggle there for me because it's a place it's the place where.

I really do start to question my intuition yeah.

For my knowingness because that.

License and Liberty that I feel with my knowingness is based on a certain amount of self trust like I really do trust myself.

To navigate life on Earth to navigate as a human to navigate and you know whatever make money for myself have a house all those things.

Buy a place.

[24:01] You know relationally around race and my experience as.

A person who is you know racialized white which I guess is a sort of like non racialization.

Mmm I just I really struggle with.

[24:29] Trying to discern where I should trust myself and where I.

[24:37] And you know just I don't know just following that that's like that is a place I really struggle and I struggle with.

The constant unveiling as well of places that.

I don't know if I do trust myself in those places but just places where I can't find an anchor of self-trust or I feel like I shouldn't rely on my anger of self-trust.

[25:08] It seems to just,

you know constantly unveil itself be unveiled to me in relationship especially with people of color black people indigenous people like unveiling those things to me in are relating and.

[25:24] It's a place I think I feel like the least grounded mmm the most like on unmoored yeah.

I mean I feel that and I think that it's like omitted so much in sort of like wellness conversations around Intuition or something like but it feels like to me just so big it feels like the biggest thing.

[25:47] Importantly destabilizes my relationship to intuition.

[25:52] And ungrounded is like the word I would use also in that sentence.

And I'm wondering and yeah if you want to answer this or not but like what do you think helps in navigating that for you at this point.

I mean it just sounds like you're in process oh yeah so that's like thank God you know yeah yeah.

You know I don't know sometimes I'm so goddamn much more work to do but sometimes I feel like well like I'm glad to have a job you know because if I did all the work.

I would be curtains for me you know yeah I've had to like still have a job as a human I think just,

like not avoiding it right because the more I avoid it then I just have this ungrounded place within me that,

you know I'm covering up or not as in touch with or not as in tune with until it's in like a crisis situation when I really need to tap into it and then.

I don't have the tools or you know I have.

[27:01] Touching feelings that are very raw and then I'm not able to function.

Wow or participate well in like relating as a human being.

Just really going in more keeping.

Just all the things we know we're supposed to do is wipe like white people like keep doing work you know the work isn't over it's a lifelong process like yeah be in it all the time.

And I feel like I am a.

I will have I think I'll have a better answer maybe in about six months so he can revisit but part doesn't yeah I feel like I'm touching on or like my Edge in,

work my like anti-racism work my unlearning whiteness work my like racial healing work is realizing.


[28:04] It's like I've done more work intellectually than I have in some sort of like intuitive embodied way.

And that I don't understand it yet.

But I feel like I've been given the feedback in a few different situations in the last you know 6 months 9 months.

That's like it's difficult for me.

The way that you're like embodying whiteness within the situation and it's not necessarily.

A specific you know I haven't necessarily done a specific harm or a piano said something or the injury is just in the way that I'm being in my body and.

I can't see it right yet I hope that you do yet is that I hope yeah.

And that feels.

[29:10] Terrifying truly I mean it feels terrifying because I think and this does go back to the idea of like whiteness and intuition right like

the way that I think of it it's like whiteness is like the it's like a psychopath e right I mean I don't have a good working definition for a psychopath he but you know something like that it feels like the right word for me

and I feel like this experience lately.

It's like realizing that you're doing something psychopath like oh I'm being a psychopath but I.

I can't even see it and that makes me feel so deranged yeah.

[29:53] Yeah it's a that's sort of like where I'm at right now but I'm sort of on the like.

Looking for strategies engaging some strategy side of it and.

[30:08] I think you know like the strategy is just back to what I'm saying is just just be like yeah don't ignore it you know it's great just like wow you read some books so you got some coaching and you got some great feedback and from certain people and then.

Okay that's done it's like I just have to keep going and I think also different areas of my life right like I realized you know I've done a lot better or work in how I embody my like embodied racial healing.

Ways I think are more advanced in my professional life because maybe that's where I just have put in the most work.

And so I you know get better feedback because it's like because I don't have that self-trust.

[30:54] I gauge a lot from external feedback from people that I trust.

And then you know it's like I get it but then that that has mostly come in a professional setting so then I think there's things coming in interpersonal relationship that's about

the way that I'm embodying whiteness and other areas of my life for example my parenting,

you know about that actually hmm yeah that's coming up big in a way where I'm like okay.

Need to even understand this better because I feel like I'm doing I'm certainly doing a much more.

Like I'm exposing my child too much more like liberated concepts of race and colonialism.

[31:41] Then I was ever ever exposed to yeah so that feels like growth.

And I'm trying to like check him on personality traits that like I can identify as being you know harmful ways of embodying whiteness.

But it's like I have sort of been.

It's been brought to my attention that certain people My Life Believe like there's you know ways that or like are observing that there's ways that the way I'm embodying whiteness.

Is sort of doing that diffuse Heritage you know like giving that inheritance.

[32:24] And I you know I can't fully see it so that's what I'm looking right now so it's interesting right to be like Oh I thought I had done a lot of work and then I'm like oh but these other areas of my life,

I haven't put as much time as so I need to kind of like you know move to a different yeah yeah thank you for sharing all that is really valuable.

[32:46] I wonder if there's anything that would be interesting to say for you in the space that maybe you don't feel like there's enough space for in other spaces or I don't know just you know like something that you feel like is coming through that you want to share doesn't even have to be but that's an invitation,


[33:03] I'm of two minds there's two different paths one is that I feel like sometimes I love,

to answer like fun questions yes I feel like you know often podcasting you know podcast interviews are when you do interviews you do get the same questions,

over which you're very you're very good interviewer and I like how you think so I always feel like there's a unique.

Conversation that's going to be had with you which has already happened but one of the things I like is that sometimes you do ask me questions and I really like when people ask me questions the other path would be that,

you know there's a few things in the notes that I wrote down like I could,

kind of get a circle back to those so we could go to two paths okay well one pad I have is just fashion,

oh yeah I love fashion let's talk about fashion I love I feel like your fashion is so wonderfully you and like I mean just from what I see mostly on social media but what is your relationship with that does it feel like it's a fun thing for you.

Oh yeah fashion is my number one and longest standing.

Creative practice I love it for sure how do you make decisions about what you wear everyday into it intuition intuition and.

[34:32] Like I like to have.

The pieces to do different things you know so my friend Lindsay gave me a piece of advice about something but it was related to something her mom says we should just list like like dress like you.

Our like happy you were invited you know that's so good yeah so,

sometimes it's like that right like oh yesterday I had like an Allred a really good like Allred Ensemble you know I like to have the thing

that embodies the thing like if I were to go to the museum I'm like that's definitely dress like a wacky museum lady yeah you know

did you think of it as like personas or is it just like you're the same but the outfit is like a different way of being or something,

I'm the same but the outfit is a different way of being and I don't think as much about it like being perceived differently yeah.

I definitely saw it more I was a stripper for about 8 years and I remember having this experience that really.

Brought it home to me but I did actually Bachelor parties like in home Bachelor parties and I did a bachelor party in the mission which usually it's like you're driving you know to like

Napa or whatever but I do this bachelor party in the mission and I was.

[35:56] On the street the next morning because I lived in the mission I was on the street the next morning you know without my makeup on or whatever and I like past some of these guys on the street and it's like they didn't even wow look twice you know and I was like oh.

That's wild you know just like the glamour right like the smoke and mirrors.

You know and all the societal stuff to write like everybody's no psycho you have your hair differently or you know there was a period where I had bleached blonde hair that was long time ago but I remember like being like Oh yeah people

it was only for like two weeks but I like yes people treated me very different I'm very curious now my hair is like.

Almost you know really like kind of getting to be almost entirely grey and I don't totally have a grasp on how that.

[36:47] Leads people to perceive me but I think people perceive me in lots of different ways all the time and so I don't really have a grasp on it like I feel like,

you know I'm a cute dress sir and so it's like I'll get you know guys in their early 20s on the street like hitting on me I'll also get guys being Lake.

You know sometimes I'll have like one of my niece's or some people are like oh are you her grandma you know and not that those things are mutually exclusive yeah but.

There is a you know there's kind of like a social gap between them so I don't totally understand it I just sort of dress they all feel like facets of me,

they don't feel like different personas they feel you know my fashion feels very about like my history the things that have

been culturally and aesthetically influential to me over my lifetime and also just like treasure collecting and you know like

the curation it's an act of curation right like part of it is about me a lot of it is about like showing off my treasures yeah I love it,

I'm wondering maybe I mean there's probably so many things we could talk about but maybe we'll just,

wrap it up and you could tell us about like the places that you prefer for people to find you on the internet,

yeah I most identifiable on Instagram at money dot which.

[38:16] I also have Twitter which I was playing with for a while and I do really like it it's money Dash which I think it's money underscore which it's like,

you know I try to get out about which and they gave me something weird that I don't even remember what it is but

honestly I am an Aries with a Leo North Node and I have ADD and I just don't get enough attention on Twitter to be compelling

yet and I don't have the lots of gravity of attention span to like build it so maybe over a Time,

but I do go over there sometimes I also have a YouTube channel which has some videos on it and we'll be having like a lot of new content coming in later part of this year but I'm excited about that was like where the outfits were huh I'm so excited about that oh yeah that was Mega outfit

24 episodes each different outfits within three genres about today

go for The Outfits everybody and then my beautiful new website moneywatch.com,

moving over to moneywatch.com that was a you know whatever entrepreneurial Journey yeah.

[39:32] And yeah that's it you can find my book,

it's out on Chronicle Books money magic practical wisdom and empowering rituals to heal your finances by the money which

a dart is by Brew boobs who is also on Instagram very very prolific on Instagram and incredible artists that are in my book is incredible.

It's that gold it's got flowers.

It's really fabulous I love it Chronicle always makes a beautiful book so it's true it made you feel like sad for people who don't like our writing books,

giving book yeah advice or friend and then they're like oh well do it'll probably just have like.

A cover and like one illustration per chapter and I was like.

The horror I mean I can't believe people have to write like that but this is especially important for you I feel like because the visuals are such a big part of its especially if I know,

exactly yes I'm sure it's fine for other people but it was it's not fine for being I don't think I had fully like realize that so now I'm like definitely like oh no I need to be in with like the Deep Aesthetics of Chronicle oh yeah

Jessie Susannah thank you so much for talking to me I really appreciate it and I'm excited for other people to get to hear your wisdom to

thank you so much it's always an intellectual treat.

[40:56] Music.

[41:02] Yeah thanks for listening to existing together you can find resources and links in the show notes at existing together a.com slash podcast or wherever you were listening to this.

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Those verbs are they actions that help me share this conversation and I thank you in advance for doing them.

If you're interested in exploring the themes of this podcast more deeply with me you can learn about the astrology readings and group circles I offer at existing together.com.

Thanks for existing here together on the planet with me.

Anna Carollo

Designer, maker, ramen enthusiast living in SF


Episode 4: The Power of “And” with Midwife Kelly Murphy


Episode 2: Letting it all burn with Krissy Coggins